Sunday, May 23, 2010

Week 2 Reflection

Although this was the last week and my time in the office and my time was limited but I learned a tremendous amount. This past week, was so much fun and I learned a ton. I did so many different activities, took lots of notes, This entire experience has been great, and had taught me so much. I really think I would like to go into the interior design business in my future.

Throughout the entire week I learned more about what the day to day life of an interior designer is like. I learned how to make displays, how to price fabric books, and put together tiles, fabric and colors that would work well together. The entire time interning at Ellen’s Interiors Inc. I voiced my opinion and helped out as much as I could. On Monday, I was very happy that I got to go to one more construction meeting and getting out of the office. Some of the things that I spent my time doing in the office was very time consuming and a bit boring at times but I learned a lot form the activities I did. Throughout the last week I wasn’t expecting anything special or surprising to happen, I just went with the flow of things. Over the entire time working at Ellen’s Interiors I have benefitted a tremendous amount. I have benefited from learning what an interior designer does, and I now know that I might want to study it in college and do it as maybe even a career. I have always had an interest in design and creating spatial arrangements. I’m glad that I was able to do this project because it gave me an idea that it is something I would like to pursue.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Last Day in the Office

So today was the last day in the office. As usual I went to Ellen's at 10, but Ellen wasn't going to be back until around 12. So Amy gave me plenty of things to keep me busy while she was gone. I first started to find tiles for a shower, then I had to find neutral wall colors that went well with the tiles. Following that I had to organize the tile drawers, and the fabric books. Then afterwards I helped Amy pick out fabric for a cottage on Lake Sunapee. We had to choose fabric that went with the drape, and pillow fabric that the client had chosen. We picked out fabric for the seat cushions and different drapes but for the kitchen. Then after going through dozens of fabric books we picked out a few that may work. Following that I worked with Jessica who does part time at Ellen's. We had to go through lists of fabric that are now discontinued and then throw the discontinued fabric away. Once we went through a few stacks of fabric it was already time for us to leave. But overall today was a very slow day in the office. Although it was my last day I still have lots to work on my final project. So next week I will be working on my poster for the exhibit and my self evaluation.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


I started my day like every other day I've been working with Ellen by checking in with her right when I arrive to her shop. She first started me off to make another display on the front porch, like the other day but a different display. The display consisted of a hanging brown and and blue rug, a bright blue painting, and then some blue vases. After making the display she sent me to the basement to get out some faucets to put on display. While bringing all eleven faucets up from the basement I had to figure out where to put them, and make sure where it should be placed because its color had coordinated with its surroundings. Following that I had to unpack some new deliveries of fabric books, and then write all the retail prices. Afterwards, while getting a quick bit to eat Ellen tried to figure out what my next task was going to be. Ellen then came down and told to find fabrics that matched the three different fabrics she gave me which was for a renovation of a summer house. After finding a bunch of fabric was about 2:00 and time for me to leave, before leaving I checked with Ellen if there was anything else she needed and since there wasn't I was then on my way.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Short Day

So today was a quick and semi easy day in the office. I went to Ellen's a bit before 10, to get and earlier start because I wold have to leave by 11:30 to get back to campus to leave for my game. I first started putting things back from Ellen's office to the studio where all the fabrics, and tiles are stored away. Afterwards I put together binders for new catalogs that came in, put some more fabric away and organized the studio. Then following that I had to find wall colors that would go well with a rug that is for a renovation of a house. I found a few nice colors that would go well with the rug, and Ellen chose the ones she liked. Following that I had to rush out of the office to get to campus to leave for the game!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Lots to Do

Walking in at 10 a.m. to Ellen's Interior, I went straight to work on making my display on the front porch of the building. The display consisted of a hanging a rug, two tables with gold vases, and then a picture. The display was a way to get peoples attention, and consisted of bright contrasts. After the display was made Ellen gave me my next task, I had to find tiles for the floor and wall and granite that all matched the fabric and cabinets the client had picked out. This was for a renovation of a kitchen. I came up with three displays to show Ellen, she then picked out what she liked and disliked from them. Following that I then had to find from the basement certain types of wood for flooring, then after finding a few types that may work, I had to call a the companies to see if the wood was in stock or not. After that, the day was almost over and while I waited for the clock to strike two I took down the display in the front and folded and hung some sample fabrics.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Second Week Start Off

Starting the second week of senior project, I was excited and ready to find out what Ellen would throw to me next. When I first arrived to the office at 10 a.m. Ellen first had me unpack the supplies that was shown to a few clients friday. Then while waiting for Ellen to get off the phone I organized where I had been working the past week. After Ellen was done she then told me we were off to a construction meeting in Bradford. The construction was an addition to a house on a lake, last week I worked on ideas for rugs and fabrics for their living room and dinning room chairs. Once we got to the meeting, the builder started to explain the plan the clients wanted and then the complications. We got a tour of the addition, the addition was going to be a living room and dinning room and then a expansion of the kitchen. After walking around with the builder, and discussing the plans we then took dimensions of the rooms and discussed more possibilities for where the doors could go, the kitchen to be expanded to and how to get a enclosed room. Following the meeting we headed back to the office. I was then assigned to make a plan for a display on the front porch of the office. I made numerous plans then came up with the final two which Ellen liked. So starting tomorrow morning when I arrive I will set up the display.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Week 1 Reflection

5/10 - 5/14

This first past week of Senior Project interning at Ellen’s Interiors Inc. has been so much fun and exciting, it has given me more freedom but I am also learning things that I am very interested in doing in my future. This entire week I have worked twenty and a half hours with Ellen, and that includes working in the office, going through layouts and finding what doorknobs should be used, picking out rugs and fabrics for an addition, calling companies for sample fabrics, and going to meetings around New Hampshire. Throughout the entire week I learned the day to day life of an interior designer. I learned how to present a project to clients, different color schemes, rugs and fabrics that work together, and how to order fabric from companies. I think I was asked to do these activities because the jobs had to get done and to get a sense of the business. I really enjoyed working at Ellen's Interiors, it opened my eyes to what an interior designer actually does. It was a surprise to me that Ellen gave me as much work as she did, and the opportunity to help in the office and I am very fortunate that she did, I have been really enjoying it. I didn't expect that she would actually let me go to meetings with her, pick out fabrics for clients and go over layouts of up coming projects. I benefitted a great amount from this past week and learned a ton, I hope to gain more knowledge for the up coming week.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Off to Meet the Clients

So today I learned a few things, there is a Nelson NH , how to present sample products for the client to see, and wall colors that work and don't work together. The day started with a very early start, I first had to drive to Nelson N.H. which is outside of Keene for a construction meeting. The couple was building a summer house, with a beautiful view of a valley and mountains. While walking through the house Ellen had to explain what was going to happen with the wall colors and tiles to the client, architecture and a construction worker. The client told her, her thoughts on the production of the house and was she liked and disliked throughout the meeting. The next stop was a meeting in Keene with a family who is renovating their summer cottage in Maine. Ellen presented lighting for the dining room and hallways, wall colors for the bedrooms and main rooms, rugs, tiles, and kitchen stools. The meeting was quite long but very predictive. Afterwards we drove back to Sunapee to the country club to look at the lighting situation in bar area in the Club House. All though the entire day was very long, it was also very constructive, I learned a lot going to these meetings and am happy I decided to go. All though there was a lot of driving I learned a lot about how an Interior Designer works with their clients and presents new ideas and projects.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Its All About the Clients

Today was filled with many things to do, starting with calling fabric companies to get memos and ending with trying to figure out where I was going tomorrow. So when I first came in I was greeted by Ellen's daughter, Amy who also works for her, and she told be what I was going to be doing until Ellen arrived because she had a doctors appointment. I first started with calling fabric companies to send memos of fabric for a client who is doing an addition. Then after calling all the companies, I had to make copies from a few catalogs of lighting for Ellen to show another client. Following that I had to fold and hang left over fabrics that was covering almost an entire corner of the room where I was working, which took a little while. Afterward, Ellen showed up she then asked me to package a few items that she will be taking to show a client tomorrow. She then started to explain what we will be doing tomorrow and where we should meet, since I will be going to a construction site to meet a few clients. The entire day as full of many things to do, and to get ready for the next day.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Day without Ellen

Since today Ellen did not have me come in not only because no one was going to be there but also because Ellen flew to Maine to meet a client. While on campus I did a little research about interior design, and the uses of fabrics, colors, and how they can all work together. So tomorrow when I go in bright and early I will be excited to work and learn a bit more about the business.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Lots of Colors, Fabrics and Rugs

Starting the second day of Senior Project I was excited and interested in what I was going to be doing next. Once I got to Ellen's she showed me a layout of one of their client's addition to their house. She then explained that the room had to consist of a cool color scheme, such as greens, corals, blues and a little purple because the room was in the west and was going to be getting a lot of sun. Proceeding that she asked me to pick out two rugs that have a cool color scheme and would work well together. After looking through some rug catalogs I found a few rugs that would work. Then after showing Ellen she then asked me to pick out fabrics that would go with both rugs. That took some digging and much more time to find the perfect fabrics. After looking through about a hundred different fabric books, Ellen and I picked out a few fabrics to show the client. I then had to write down all the different rugs, and fabrics and what there name was and what brand they were. It was a long but very rewarding knowing that we were able to pick multiple rug and fabric coordinations that the client may ultimate like and chose to go with.

Monday, May 10, 2010

The First Day!

Today was the first day of senior project, I went to Ellen's Interior in Downtown New London at 10:00 am where I met Ellen, and got a tour of where I'll be working for the next two weeks. Immediately following my tour Ellen put me right to work by showing me a complete layout of one of companies projects. She then showed me the different types of doorknobs that they use. The three types consisted of passage, privacy and dummy. Ellen then asked me to list all the types of doorknobs to use throughout the entire house, while she met with a client. Afterwards she showed me the four different ways the door swung and how to measure the door. Then we labeled each door in the house. Following lunch, the UPS man came by and dropped off a few packages for a client. We unpacked each package to check if there was any damage to the items. After unpacking each item we had to wrap them up in different paper. After doing all that Ellen and I met and talked about the rest of the week and what we will be doing. Overall the first day was fun and interesting and I am excited to learn more.