Sunday, May 23, 2010

Week 2 Reflection

Although this was the last week and my time in the office and my time was limited but I learned a tremendous amount. This past week, was so much fun and I learned a ton. I did so many different activities, took lots of notes, This entire experience has been great, and had taught me so much. I really think I would like to go into the interior design business in my future.

Throughout the entire week I learned more about what the day to day life of an interior designer is like. I learned how to make displays, how to price fabric books, and put together tiles, fabric and colors that would work well together. The entire time interning at Ellen’s Interiors Inc. I voiced my opinion and helped out as much as I could. On Monday, I was very happy that I got to go to one more construction meeting and getting out of the office. Some of the things that I spent my time doing in the office was very time consuming and a bit boring at times but I learned a lot form the activities I did. Throughout the last week I wasn’t expecting anything special or surprising to happen, I just went with the flow of things. Over the entire time working at Ellen’s Interiors I have benefitted a tremendous amount. I have benefited from learning what an interior designer does, and I now know that I might want to study it in college and do it as maybe even a career. I have always had an interest in design and creating spatial arrangements. I’m glad that I was able to do this project because it gave me an idea that it is something I would like to pursue.

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